Anyone who’s ever been at a live game at the SCG or Alliance Stadium, will know how much better it is being there over watching it on TV. It’s not even in the same ball park. There’s energy coursing through the crowd, a sense of togetherness, punctuated by hair-bristling euphoria whenever the action peaks. No 60-inch TV in a dimly lit lounge room will ever top that. However, people are funny things, and sometimes we forget the whole point of being there. Which is why the Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust have recently been watching ticket sales slipping.
To turn the game around, we created a completely new strategy for them to encourage punters to “Get in the Game”, with highly recognisable sports celebrities bursting from 3D outdoor posters. It was a huge draw card for dyed-in-the-wool sports fans, demonstrating closeness to the game, and boosting their patronage at Sydney’s iconic SGC and SFS sporting arenas. #winning